A Public Speaker Who Makes Digital Marketing Accessible & Entertaining

Make digital marketing accessible with a public speaker who has the expertise, stories, and personality to hold and inform a crowd. Engage Theo St. Mane for your event or organization, and you’ll see digital marketing from the eyes of someone who’s been on the ground delivering digital marketing strategies for 20 years. Theo’s warmth, wit, and jargon-free delivery will charm your group and help you see marketing with fresh eyes.

Praised for his knack at making complex topics easy to understand, Theo has a reputation for authenticity and practical solutions among business leaders and national franchise organizations. His two decades of entrepreneurship have produced a wealth of stories and anecdotes to illustrate the how’s and why’s of digital marketing. Combine that expertise with 30 years of theatre experience writing, directing, and acting, and you have a winning combination for a memorable public speaker.

Theo has previously given talks on the following topics:

  • Digital Marketing for Business
  • Digital Marketing, the Franchise Challenge
  • Social Media Marketing 101
  • Understanding Your Target Audience
  • Marketing for Writers

Interested in a different topic or one specific to your business? As the Director of Operations and Partner at MLT Group, a digital marketing firm, Theo has a wide range of experience to create compelling and informative talks. Content marketing, website design, graphic design, search engine optimization and marketing, video production, creative strategy—learn about these topics and more when you hire Theo as a public speaker.

A marketing speaker can be much more than a buzzword-throwing, jargon-filled presenter. Theo talks straight, stays practical, and has fun sharing stories that illustrate the fine points of digital marketing in an understandable way. You’ll leave the talk energized and ready to bring new insights to your organization’s digital marketing strategy.

Schedule Your Public Speaking Engagement Today!

Speaking fees vary by project. Contact St. Mane Consulting today to learn more and to book a speaking engagement with Theo: theo@mltgroup.com or (507) 281-3490.